License Agreement and Terms of Use

Referencing CallSocket, AMISocket, AllCalls and Repeater Software

Copyright 2017 DCS of New York Inc.

DCS of New York Inc., hereafter DCS, has developed libraries of code (the Software) to integrate with FreePBX and other systems. Some of these libraries call (or reference) other programs and libraries which are licensed under MIT or Apache licenses. DCS is providing these called libraries and programs as part of the Software listed above. Any licenses for these modules are left intact in the called libraries themselves.

Customers are given access to use the Software for an unlimited amount of time. No rights are given to re-sell any portion of the Software.

The Software is provided, "As Is", and DCS makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the stability or operability of these systems and Software. DCS is not responsible for network issues, power outages, OS and Software Updates or other issues that might keep the Software from operating correctly.

This agreement is subject to change and may be updated at any time without notice.

Apache 2.0 license can be viewed here.
MIT license can be viewed here.

Updated 26 July 2017